University Teaching and Learning in Brief | Samfundslitteratur


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University Teaching and Learning in Brief

Concepts and Methods

This is the e-book for:

  • teachers and supervisors at all levels of higher education
  • people who work administratively with the planning, implementation, feedback and assessment of teaching
  • anyone interested in developing their own teaching practice.

University Teaching and Learning in Brief introduces the most central, current concepts and methods within...

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This is the e-book for:

  • teachers and supervisors at all levels of higher education
  • people who work administratively with the planning, implementation, feedback and assessment of teaching
  • anyone interested in developing their own teaching practice.

University Teaching and Learning in Brief introduces the most central, current concepts and methods within university teaching and learning. It defines concepts and explains methods and how they may be used within the Danish university teaching and exam regulations. You can find inspiration in the book for writing course descriptions, and for organising and developing teaching and supervision. The book is also helpful when developing curriculums and working with quality assurance and teaching skills.

The e-book covers concepts and methods such as:

  • Alignment: What does it mean, and how can it be used as a tool for designing courses?
  • Scaffolding: What may be scaffolded, and how?
  • Cluster supervision: What is it, and how is it connected to peer feedback?
  • Study intensity: How can you work with it at a programme level, and can it even be measured?
  • Collegial supervision: What are the benefits, and how to organise it?

The authors of University Teaching and Learning in Brief. Concepts and Methods are both acknowledged lecturers within their field of work.

The e-book is also available in Danish: Universitetspædagogik i oversigt. Begreber og metoder (2023).

Forlag: Samfundslitteratur
Sprog: Engelsk
Skjul beskrivelse

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E-bog (VitalSource Bookshelf (EPUB3)
1. udgave (2023), 
227 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788759343524

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