Strategic Networking in Small High Tech Firms | Samfundslitteratur


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Strategic Networking in Small High Tech Firms

The cocktail of small firms and high technology creates a high level of uncertainty, which is one of the most dominant characteristics of high technology development and the conditions for management.

Strategic Networking in Small High tech Firms is concerned with strategic management of knowledge in small firms and in networks of hightech firms.


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The cocktail of small firms and high technology creates a high level of uncertainty, which is one of the most dominant characteristics of high technology development and the conditions for management.

Strategic Networking in Small High tech Firms is concerned with strategic management of knowledge in small firms and in networks of hightech firms.

The focus is on innovation and advanced high technology, leading to problems of handling uncertainty at the boundaries of knowledge.

Small firms have to depend on alliances and networks as to create resources for innovative projects.

Strategic networking is based on an understanding of the mechanisms of network for organising, and a new perspective on management.

Knowledge management is described as a social construction of management or as management of what we do not know.

Instead of focusing on the weaknesses of being small, the study has focused on how small firms develop platforms for management beyond the firm.

Forlag: Samfundslitteratur
Sprog: Engelsk
Illustreret: Ja
Skjul beskrivelse

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Bog (Softcover)
1. udgave (2003), 
312 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788759310533

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