Software Games in the Danish Experience Economy | Samfundslitteratur


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Software Games in the Danish Experience Economy

Nicholas O'Keefe
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The Danish interactive entertainment industry is dynamic and creative. A handful of Danish game firms have succeeded in establishing an interesting reputation.

Despite relative successes in recent years, Danish game firms face several key challenges and barriers of growth.

This report investigates the global and Danish game industry, and the setting in...

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The Danish interactive entertainment industry is dynamic and creative. A handful of Danish game firms have succeeded in establishing an interesting reputation.

Despite relative successes in recent years, Danish game firms face several key challenges and barriers of growth.

This report investigates the global and Danish game industry, and the setting in which Danish game firms compete internationally. It poses the following questions:

  • What is the structure of the game industry and what are the dynamics of the different market segments that Danish game firms compete on?
  • What are the main challenges in the business environment of Danish game firms?
  • Which capabilities do they need to overcome these challenges?
  • What is the current competitiveness of the Danish game industry, and what is the future outlook?
Forlag: SL-forlagene
Sprog: Engelsk
Illustreret: Ja
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Bog (Softcover)
1. udgave (2008), 
66 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788770710084

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